Today we are making a Popsicle Ribbon Sculpture. This is kind of how to make a hair bow, but it’s more like how to make a hair clippie. These hair ribbon sculptures hair clips are just so adorable because you can find a matching summer outfit with a cute dripping Popsicle on the front. Or even better – make a Popsicle summer T-shirt! The ribbon sculptures are a blast to wear because they are so eye catching and bring a smile to your face.
I love to see all the ribbon sculpture hair clips ideas that are out there. From mermaids to princesses to food to sunshine to pinwheels – they are the most adorable hair accessory! The Popsicle ribbon sculpture is a perfect ribbon sculpture to make for beginners. So, if you’re just starting out in learning how to make hair clippies, this is a good one to begin with. Let’s show you how to make hair accessories with ribbon!
At Hairbow Supplies, Etc., we carry all the colors of 3/8 inch ribbon that you need to make these projects. Feel free to shop our store to see the 42 colors of ribbon in 6 different sizes.
Gather your supplies:
3/8 inch grosgrain ribbon
First gather your ribbon choices. Today I have chosen fuchsia and turquoise for my Popsicle and ribbon colors. My daughter picked out which ones she wanted to wear in her hair today.

Cut your ribbons to length:
Popsicle ribbons: 3/8 inch: 4 inch, 4.5 inch, 4 inch, and 3.5 inch lengths
Bow ribbons: 3/8 inch: 5.5 inch and 1.5 inch
Next get out your lighter and seal the edges.

Line up your ribbons in order from left to right in the order that I showed you above. Take your first ribbon, the 4 inch fuchsia ribbon and fold it in half.

Open it back up and from the inside corner, hot glue your second ribbon (the 4.5 inch ribbon) on that inside corner.

Wrap that 4.5 inch ribbon around and hot glue it to the very right side of your first ribbon.

Take your next ribbon which is 4 inches wide and hot glue it next to the rainbow shaped piece. Fold it down and hot glue the bottom to the farthest right rainbow shaped ribbon.

Next, take your 3.5 inch ribbon and hot glue the end of it right on top of your 2nd rainbow shaped piece. Then hot glue the end right in the middle of the other ribbons, which will be right in the center.

Next put hot glue over the top of your rainbow pieces.

Close your ribbon over top of the hot glued portion. Be sure to slide your ribbon to the right as you are closing it.

Next hot glue your Popsicle to the top third of your lined alligator clip. Make sure to hot glue the center of your Popsicle.

Next let’s make our bow portion!

Get your 5.5 inch polka dot ribbon piece. Fold the right side to the left and hot glue your ribbon in to hold it in place. You’ll see a little bit of hot glue on this part, but I had messed up the bow a bit. But no big deal because I’m about to hot glue it back down!
Next take your left side and fold it to the right to complete the bow. Hot glue the ribbon to the bow.

Take your 1.5 inch piece and hot glue it on top of your bow.

Then wrap the ends around your bow to complete the bow center.

Next hot glue your bow to the bottom of your ribbon sculpture.

And that’s complete! Congrats you made an adorable Popsicle Ribbon Sculpture!!!
My daughter begged to put hers in her hair as SOON as we were done with it! She loves the color combination and it matches her outfit, too!
Thanks for learning how to make ribbon sculpture hair clips with me!
See our video below if you’d like to see me make the Popsicle ribbon sculpture!